The REY SILO Cheese Factory has spearheaded the creation of the SLOW FOOD / FOODS OF THE CAMINO DE SANTIAGO COMMUNITY, which brings together a group of food producers located along the various routes leading to Santiago de Compostela. We share the principles of the international SLOW FOOD Movement, born 30 years ago in Italy, which now brings together over 85,000 producers and consumers from 170 countries. This movement advocates for a gastronomy based on the principles of Good, Clean - because it respects the environment - and Fair - because there is social justice.
Slow Food works worldwide to safeguard regional and local gastronomic traditions, along with their traditional methods of production, defending biodiversity, respect for the environment, and the work of farmers. This is why it created the Ark of Taste, a catalog of threatened local foods that has welcomed our REY SILO BLANCO and ROJO cheeses for rescuing their traditional and ancient formula of Asturian conical cheeses with raw milk.
Every two years, since our foundation, REY SILO participates in the world's largest cheese event, the CHEESE Fair in the Italian city of Bra, the birthplace of Slow Food. The fair showcases thousands of raw milk cheeses from around the world and is visited by over 300,000 people from all four continents in each edition.