2022-05-31 00:00:00
Exhibition where visitors can find foods, wines, and gifts from exhibitors worldwide showcasing thousands of specialties to discover and sample. REY SILO cheeses have been present since 2011 to the present day at the Fancy Food Show, both in conjunction with our importer in the USA, The Rogers Collection, and through the Asturex initiative: Asturias From Cheese, in the 2011 and 2012 editions at the temporary headquarters in Washington DC, as well as from 2013 at the permanent headquarters. In that year, precisely in 2013, REY SILO was also present at the winter edition of the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco, on the Pacific coast. REY SILO has found an extraordinary reception among American consumers, which has not been unrelated to the fact that our ambassador is the great chef José Andrés.